Friday, May 29, 2009

WTF Cell Plushies

This was completely found by accident on the website ThinkGeek. Someone had the imagination (and some manufactorer had a lot of time) to create some disturbing, yet oddly cute, cell/virus/bacteria cell plushies. We hope you enjoy. Oh, another thing. I find it amusing at the fact that the actual picture is right next to the plushie. You can see how close they are in comparison. If you wish to buy one, visit the site... they're only $8 some. It will probably start some conversations at a party.

Sperm Cell
A cute and gentle reminder that these happy little cuddlies are in every man you see. Men do have a feminine side.

Egg Cell
The bow is a nice touch...

Not to be mistaken for a flower. Never has Herpes ever been appealing... until now.

Kissing Disease
Remember all those cooties kids were cowering from? This is one of them.

Everyone wants a Bookworm! C'mon! It looks like a little yellow shrimp.

Chicken Pox
That's right; you had floating chicken heads in your system when you were a kid.

Heartwarming and will extract tears... I think.

They used the same plushie for Crackheads. I still think it needs some foam at the mouth.

Everyone wants a potato with little sausage links attached to it!

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