Sunday, May 24, 2009

Weird Animals

We've all seen some pretty weird animals. Here are a great few who seem to make it to the top of the food chain in creepiness.

Saggy-Faced Monkey
An animal no one looks forward to seeing at the zoo.

The American Bald Squirrel
Don't piss it off.

The Lowland Pug
Why so serious?

WTF Gerbil

Bug-Eyed Monkey
So ugly, it's cute.

We all wish it existed.

French Rooster
Never really made it to the top Dog Shows...

It's real. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

That One Thing
This makes me not want to go out into the world.

Human Pig
Just... No.

Not sure if this one is real or not.

To show that the Japanese really were basing Pokemon off real animals.

Fuzzy-Headed Salamander
Oh hai!

Demon Kitty
*insert Twilight Zone music here*

Bunny Puppy
One of the few (thank God) remaining of its kind.

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