Friday, May 29, 2009

Engrish Pics

Here are some classic Engrish pictures!

There be nice welcom for man in chair.

No way!

Wonderful Fortune
Why, thank you!

Please fall.

Together, you can get to the elevator.

Distance Sence

Look out
Now in camoflauge!

Aha! ....No thanks.

Get Drunk
If you're feeling green, drink your brains out.

First I have to multiply then avoid losing my limbs!? Picky, picky, picky...

WTF Cell Plushies

This was completely found by accident on the website ThinkGeek. Someone had the imagination (and some manufactorer had a lot of time) to create some disturbing, yet oddly cute, cell/virus/bacteria cell plushies. We hope you enjoy. Oh, another thing. I find it amusing at the fact that the actual picture is right next to the plushie. You can see how close they are in comparison. If you wish to buy one, visit the site... they're only $8 some. It will probably start some conversations at a party.

Sperm Cell
A cute and gentle reminder that these happy little cuddlies are in every man you see. Men do have a feminine side.

Egg Cell
The bow is a nice touch...

Not to be mistaken for a flower. Never has Herpes ever been appealing... until now.

Kissing Disease
Remember all those cooties kids were cowering from? This is one of them.

Everyone wants a Bookworm! C'mon! It looks like a little yellow shrimp.

Chicken Pox
That's right; you had floating chicken heads in your system when you were a kid.

Heartwarming and will extract tears... I think.

They used the same plushie for Crackheads. I still think it needs some foam at the mouth.

Everyone wants a potato with little sausage links attached to it!

Monday, May 25, 2009


Here are some results for Awesome (some not so much...).

The classic you're awesome dog. He's the only one who thinks you are.


For you Star Trek Fans.

This is a Ferrari that mated with a Tank. Who's idea was this? Someone stupid.

How... attractive?

ICK! Reminds me of That One Thing

When you want to see something good happen.

Yes that is a pretty awesome dog

Hamster Mansion. Pure awesome.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Awesome Videos

Enjoy some videos for the terminally bored or for those who want to see something interesting.

Here's one from the Simpsons (one of the hundreds of introductions)

The first Panda Puppy.

One smart bird.

Here's another Simpsons thing for you. There are several videos by this person, they're all amazing.

Yet again another amazing Guitar player (acoustic) very relaxing.

Weird Animals

We've all seen some pretty weird animals. Here are a great few who seem to make it to the top of the food chain in creepiness.

Saggy-Faced Monkey
An animal no one looks forward to seeing at the zoo.

The American Bald Squirrel
Don't piss it off.

The Lowland Pug
Why so serious?

WTF Gerbil

Bug-Eyed Monkey
So ugly, it's cute.

We all wish it existed.

French Rooster
Never really made it to the top Dog Shows...

It's real. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

That One Thing
This makes me not want to go out into the world.

Human Pig
Just... No.

Not sure if this one is real or not.

To show that the Japanese really were basing Pokemon off real animals.

Fuzzy-Headed Salamander
Oh hai!

Demon Kitty
*insert Twilight Zone music here*

Bunny Puppy
One of the few (thank God) remaining of its kind.


Here are some "WTF!?" pics for you.

Run while you still can.

What's going on here?

How do you mistake this...?

Spring is here and love is in the... air?

I just threw up in my mouth a little.

Where did that thing come from??

"Yeah, when dogs fly!" ...I stand corrected.

Everyone likes cookies..............?

How do you do that?

I don't.

This reminds me of the Grandma from the Andy Milonakis show.

Both were scary during my childhood.

Poor thing, even cats can't solve that stupid cube.

Probably the first picture out on the web.
